Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Whats in Store?!

I know what you're going to say, It has beena while, now that the move to Uni is complete, and I've adjusted all I've needed to, its about time I get down to reviewing the latest and great animes and other geektastic things that come my way. Now, although I've been away I haven't been takign a break. One of my friends over here happens to be quipt witha terrabyte external hardrive and all the anime/ manga I could ever ask for, besides that I've got some new bands that you ma find wicked awesome, to top it all off, I'll be back reding american comics/ canadian (thanks to the illustrious Scott Pilgrim, of which the next volume I eagerly await).

Things to look forward too:

Anime Reviews-
Baccano!: Easily the best anime I've seen in years, and probably my in my top 3 favorite anime openings.

Detroit Metal City: I went through this one basically at the speed of "11 rapes per second" (watch the anime to get the joke/quote), this is the 13 episode anime ova for the movie, and its one of the funniest things I've ever seen, I've got to hand it to the manager for being the best character in the series.

Higurashi: Ok, Higurashi made me scared to be alone in my dorm room, honestly I don't know if I'll ever look at preteen girls without a shiver of fear for the rest of my life. Something about the lighthearted animation mixed with a story (season 1) that can only be described as a mind#@$!, it's another one that I highly recommend if you're able to deal with torture, brutal murder, and a chilling story (all involving children, so dad sit this one out).

Nana Movies 1&2: I've wanted to watch Nana for a long time, but never got aroudn to it, thanks to Johnson, a friend, and academic brother from Hong Kong a group of us were able to go through both of them. I have to say that half the reason I wanted to watch the second one was because I fell in love with Mika Nakashima, but if you get a chance check them out, romantic/comedic/drama will definitely ensue. :D

Code Geass: How could I forget about the anime that made my summer/ made leaving for uni so painful. Clamp designs with fun mech fights and Lelouch's godlike "strategery", makes this series one thats hard to put down.

Music Reviews-

Go!Go!7188: Don't ask me about thier name, but these girls know what it means to make music, the song I have linked to them on my sidebar is my favorite. I've been listening to them for over half a year now and they don't get old the way many japanese girl bands do (although this one has a guy drummer!).

Flow: I admit I started listening to them because of their first (they have more) Naruto opening even so, after I downloaded their "best of" album I really started to like them, that and a mix of the ultra addicting Code Geass opening.

Tokio: This is a band I got in my huge music dvd from the Kuretakes, They were on my iPod Shuffle for about a week, they're one of the bands that never makes it big in the US but seems to be (or has been) popular in Japan. Most of thier stuff has a ridiculous 90's feel.

American Comic & other shenanigans-

Scott Pilgrim: Probably the best comic I picked up during the summer, this is one for the whole family and especially if you're a nerd in any way shape or form. Scott Pilgrim takes place in the far and distant land of Toronto Canada and everything about it makes it hard to put down, let it be the anime/game references, the humor, or just the fact that Scott, our hero, has to fight Ramona's 7 evil ex's. If you want to read anything in the way of comics within the next year, I'd suggest finding the first copy of this.

Queen & Country: My freind over at Yeahbuhwhat? got me this before my trip to the old country, I have to say I started reading it on the plane and didn't stop until I finsihed the thing. It was a great to start off my long stay over here, if you're interested in spies, current events (now passed), or Her Magesty's Secret Service I'd suggest giving this a run through. Yet another great title by Oni Press.

Generation X: Yes Kiddies the moment you've all been waiting for has arrived, I'll finally get aroudn ot reviewing one of my favorite X comics (and comics in general) of all time Generation X. From my URL alone you should be able to tell this one meant a lot to me, you can't really beat a highschool environment (drama and comedy sure to follow), with mutants, a dash of everyones favorite Irishman, Banshee, and a sprinkle of that Hellion Leader we all know and love, Emma Frost. It's getting hard to find theswe days, but if you can start at the beginning, then do it, you won't be let down. PS- this may be one of Jubilee's biggest roles in a comic, so if you're a fan check it out.

Love Oni? The watch this!

Well thats all for now, I'm going to finish some work over here, keep checking back, I'll try to update whenever I have a free moment (the ones not devoted to Higurashi that is).

Don't forget to check out my graceful Super Smash playing skillz right here! My tag in all videos is Vin.


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Bob said...

I'm jealous. I not only have a backlog of anime to watch, but almost as much of a backlog of stuff to review. I'll let you be the inspiration for getting done what REALLY matters.

I'm also jealous that you've seen Detroit Metal City.